Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wizard World Chicago

Well I had a great time at Wizard World Chicago this year. Originally I wasn't supposed to go, the last year has been such hell with the family I had nothing to show and no money to go. At the last moment a good friend Darcy J. Watt contacted me about working a booth for his pal Angus Oblong. (Of the Oblongs) He is one part down to earth artist and one part bat shit crazy clown. But I was able to deliver a maquette long over due to "Dapper" Dan Schoening of the Sketch Tavern. Last October I asked if I could work from his art and make a Halloween sculpt, now I missed the deadline for the Taverns Halloween contest but did manage to pull out some interesting works. This is "Samhain" (which I never say right). I didn't take any photographs of him after he was baked and primed sorry.

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